And speaking of rummage sales...
There's a news story out of Elmira New York:
It seems that Anita Lewis had a large rummage sale and some of the items were mostly the turtle collection of her husband's previous (late) wife.
Well, one of the turtles held the late wife's ashes.
A woman comes along and buys a large ceramic turtle from Lewis; what a lovely cookie jar this'll make, she thinks to herself, and pays the fifty cents.
Hubby Lewis wakes up, sees what's happened and all turtle-hell breaks loose.
They contact the local newspaper, the Star-Gazette of Elmira who then receives an anonymous tip and all's well that ends well at the Salvation Army Thrift Shop in the
town of Horseheads, N.Y.
I can imagine the conversation that led up to that anonymous call:
Honeybunny, look what I bought at the rummage sale for fifty cents; ewww there's ashes in it! The lady said it came from a smoke free home, now I can't put it on ebay.
I don't think those are cigarette ashes, pumpkin.
Huh? OMG what do I do now?
Get rid of it.
But, I paid fifty cents for it.
Well lemme put the ol' thinking cap on. Okay, here's what we do. Donate it to the Sally Ann, take the tax write off, and call the paper anonymously to let them know where it is.
Are you sure?
Actually the seal was never broken so they didn't know what was inside, they just heard what happened and left a voice mail with the reporter.
You can get the whole story, with pix, straight from the turtle's mouth at Star-Gazette of Elmira.
I know Elmira, it's a lovely little town and we haven't been there in a while so maybe, we should take little trip. Who knows what might be found; gotta love those rummage sales.
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